Criminal Justice reform

criminal-justice  Families, communities, and charities are some of the best teachers of morality and health care. They must step up, instead of turning that responsibility over to the federal government.

  • Police need to return their focus onto crimes infringing on the rights of person or their property, or deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Skyrocketing spending on finding and jailing non-violent offenders drains America’s financial resources.The federal government must not use an individual’s money to implement laws which forces the government’s view of morality against that individual.
  • Mass incarceration of drug users, who are otherwise law-abiding citizens, has altered millions of people’s lives. Prison life creates scars and hinders those who have served their time, who apply for work but can’t get a job, with a stigma of having been imprisoned. Families lose their parents and loved ones to the prison system for years.  
  • It’s time to reclassify drug abuse as a medical problem, deschedule and decriminalize drugs at the federal level, remembering that vice is not within the federal government’s ruling. The protection of personal property rights is part of the federal government’s duty. I will work to restore and protect your right to self-ownership and you are accountable for personal choices. 

12717394_209555426061679_1431795936407344382_n12687919_961504777218150_873425908375223642_n Check out the Libertarian Platform  1.6 Crime and Justice